28 Kasım 2012 Çarşamba

90210: Phenomi-Con

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This week's episode of "90210" found the West Bev gang on the road to comic book festival Phenomi-Con. Obviously they couldn't get the rights to use the name Comic-Con.

In the days leading up to the festival Max, Alec and Naomi rally the troops to write code for their newest video game idea. Their idea had been stolen in last week's episode, but they were determined to debut something at the event. Collin, Annie's love interest, shows up to the code writing party to help. Did this scene remind anyone else of "The Social Network" code writing marathons?

Max winds up finishing the code at the 11th hour and Collin is right there to take it all in. He's so devious!

The gang gets ready to head to Santa Barbara and Naomi comes out dresses as some kind of video game princess. I can't decide if this was better or worse than when she dressed up in the Avatar costume to win over Max in high school.

Annie comes along for the ride, dressed in an elf costume. When they arrive at Phenomi-Con they spot Collin getting ready to hop on stage. He reveals his true colors when he debuts the stolen idea for Max and Alec's company. He would have gotten away with it unscathed had Riley not shown up to defend Annie's honor. He punches Collin in the gut sending him into the fetal position. Annie and Riley share their first kiss which I have been anticipating for three weeks.

Also at the festival, Liam's professor girlfriend shows up in a sexy costume and says she's ready to go public with their relationship. All seemed to be going well until Navid leaked their sex tape and the whole comic book universe saw their dirty deeds.

The professor winds up ending things with Liam (who could blame her) and Liam transfers that anger toward Navid. Liam buys Navid out of his portion of the Off Shore.

The subplot this week was the Dixon/Adriana/Taylor love triangle. Taylor gives Adriana an ultimatum and she intends to break things off with Dixon. That is until she finds him passed out on the floor of his apartment.

It turns out Dixon has an abscess on his spine. While in the hospital he tells Adriana that his first memory after the accident was of her holding his hand and that he knew then he wanted to be the kind of man she deserves. Awwww. How is she going to break up with him now?

At the close of the episode we come back to Naomi, Max and Alec. Naomi tells her husband, "You have to choose. It's him or me." Max chooses Naomi but then says to her, "It feels like our marriage just cost me my best friend." Oooooo, not good.

In previews for next week's episode Adriana opens for Ne-Yo at the Hollywood Bowl, Ashley from ABC Family's "GREEK" becomes Max's new business partner and Dixon shops for an engagement ring. This is getting interesting!

*Images courtesy of CWTV.com.

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