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Usually the "Women Tell All" special is my second favorite part of every season (only behind hometown dates), but this season, the hour is flipped around and Sean is telling all. I'm not sure if I like this yet, but we'll see. Here we go.
Sean admits that he wanted to punch Desiree's brother. We all did, Sean!
Apparently Sean actually talked to the brother at the start of the night and it went really well, but by the end of the night he'd gone crazy.
Next, Chris asks about Sarah (with one arm). Sean applauds her bravery and candor, but also brings up her struggles on the roller derby date. He then admits he knew he wanted to send her home when they shared a kiss during their one on one time and he felt zero passion. Ouch!
Then we move onto Selma, the girl who wouldn't kiss Sean. Sean tells Chris that he was so surprised because Selma was always very affectionate and their whole date they were holding hands, hugging, he was kissing her on the forehead and then she drops the bomb, "You can't kiss me on the lips."
Chris brings up that Selma did finally kiss Sean, but it was on the night he sent her home. Sean basically says, "Too little, too late."
Chris then mentions fan favorite Lesley M. Sean shares that their record breaking kiss only felt like 30 seconds. He acknowledged he had great chemistry with her. Sean ultimately cut her lose because she didn't express her honest interest in him and where she saw it going. He says, "If she had said 'I love you' that could have been a game changer."
Now we get to the good stuff, Sean's opinion of Tierra. Sean begins with, "Man I was such a fool. I really do feel like I was duped. Tierra never should have come on the show. She was not suited for this show. She doesn't know how to handle herself in this environment. She's a woman that simply cannot get along with her peers." Amen!
Chris then puts the nail in the coffin by calling Tierra, "A cancer to all the other girls."
We are treated to some never before seen footage, my favorite of which is the 7th grade style love notes that Catherine passed Sean throughout the season.
In closing, Chris asks Sean about the upcoming fantasy suite and he replies, "Chris, that is none of your business."
It is going to be all of our business come Monday!
*Image source.
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