13 Ekim 2012 Cumartesi

Explore: Boston Local Food Festival

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Over the summer I joined the blogger network of the Boston Local Food Festival. As a member of the network I was a regular contributor to their site and had the opportunity to interview a handful of vendors who would be exhibiting at the food festival and its sister event, the Local Brewfest. You can check out my posts:

  • "Take It Up A Notch With Notch Brewing"
  • "Raise A Glass With Privateer Rum"
  • "Shop Local With The Locals At City Feed"
  • "Blue Tierra Chocolate Satisfies Boston's Sweet Tooth"

After weeks of anticipation the festival finally arrived! I headed down to the Greenway around 11:15am and though the festival had only kicked off a few minutes before it was already packed! The booths ran from the carousel at Christopher Columbus park all the way up to the Boston Harbor Hotel.

Camera in hand, I hit the booths! First up was my new Watertown neighbor, Sofra. There were four kind ladies manning the table who warmly welcomed me to the neighborhood and offered to let me get up close and personal with Sofra's bakery items. Had I not just eaten a huge brunch, I would have spent a fortune at their booth.

A few tables away was the crew from Nashoba Brook Bakery. The old ladies next to me could not get enough of their bread! They sampled a piece of every loaf on the table.

A few steps away was the Equal Exchange coffee cart. It's a mobile coffee cafe! If I drank coffee, I'd find a way to get these guys to peddle right over to my house.

The folks from American Flatbread also brought something incredible on wheels, a pizza oven! How would you like to ride alongside that thing on the highway?

Just before crossing the street onto the next block I stopped at the Ula Cafe table. Though I spend a ton of time in Jamaica Plain, I had never heard of this bakery. They attracted me with their macaroons!

I also loved their poster that showcased all of their local ingredients and which farms they come from all across Massachusetts.

In the next block the crew from the Seaport's 606 Congress was hard at work shucking oysters for the crowd. Quite an elaborate booth set up!

Next I wondered to the Blue Glass Cafe which had a smoker going, complete with firewood! They also had the most impressive drink station I saw all day.

Further up the row were my friends from City Feed. Their booth was totally mobbed!

The team from American Provisions was also tending to eager customers. They chatted away while sporting black t-shirts that said in white across the chest, "Buy Local."

Throughout the day the festival was putting on a series of live demos. I happened to catch the tail end of this demonstration on the proper way to butcher meat. The demonstration was so packed I actually took this picture my sticking my hand up over the heads of about 30 people and hoping for the best.

My absolute favorite discovery of the day was the mobile farmer's market from Enterprise Farm. The market team is based in Whately, MA (western MA) and they have a school bus they drive from community to community bringing their farmer's market on wheels to people who otherwise would have zero access to that kind of fresh food at such a low cost.

I think this idea is genius. The farmer's market rolls into town, you climb aboard the bus, you purchase affordable, healthy food for your family (they take food stamps too) and then the bus rolls on to deliver the same health and hope to the next community. I love it.

There were so many great booths today. Here are a few more snapshots of the deliciousness:

Congratulations to the Sustainable Business Network on a hugely successful day! It was my pleasure to play a small role in spreading the word.

Were you at the festival today? What was your best discovery?

90210: The Circle Of Life

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Tonight "90210" returned for a new season and the drama picked up in the exact moments where we left off.

Silver, who desperately wants to have a child, has asked Teddy to be her baby daddy. Teddy is back with a new, longer hair do that has him looking 10 years older than the rest of the crew (which he is in real life). Silver propositions Teddy by saying, "I just want sperm and a card at Christmas." Ha! At the end of the episode, Teddy knocks on Silver's door and is holding a Christmas card. Before she can say anything he opens the card to reveal a short message, "I'll do it." Please let them show the awkwardness when Silver and Teddy try to sleep together.

Meanwhile, Adriana hops a plane to Las Vegas with Austin to perform on the same stage as Carly Rae Jepsen. While at the hotel, Adriana hooks up with a stranger who hits on her at the lobby bar. At the close of the episode this Vegas guy shows up at Liam's bar looking for Adriana and Navid winds up suggesting that he help revive the bar with his club promoting skills. The question is: who is this guy?

In last season's finale Dixon was in a car accident. Tonight Annie gets called down to the morgue to identify what she thinks is Dixon's body. Turns out Dixon was the only passenger who survived and he's in critical condition at a nearby hospital. Ok morgue man, how the hell could you wait so long to tell the gang that their was a fourth passenger? Good grief!

At the hospital when Dixon opens his eyes the first word out of his mouth is, "Adriana." Annie calls Adriana's cell and demands that she come see Dixon. The hospital also brings the return of Aunt Becky! I thought it was a little weird that after arriving she comforted a crying Annie before even asking to see Dixon. Toward the end of the episode we learn that Dixon's condition is stable but that his ability to walk and to use his hands has been affected.

This hour Liam's ex Vanessa returns to stake her claim on his Hollywood career. After a drunk afternoon on the beach, Liam accidentally sets the bar on fire. He winds up seeing it as a blessing so he can collect the insurance money and use it to buy out Vanessa on his film contract. Too bad Vanessa overheard Liam on the phone with the insurance company. She is definitely going to ruin this.

Lastly, Naomi and Max leave his wedding to get hitched in their own way. They take the white limo and head towards Las Vegas. On the way Naomi hits Max in the eye with a champagne cork and then hitch hikes to get them to Nevada. They wind up in a car with a bank robber and ultimately land in jail. Typical Naomi.

Max's business partner shows up to save the day. Turns out, he hates Naomi and only plans to salvage Max. For a minute I had a feeling this mystery business partner was going to hook up with Teddy. I can't explain, I just felt it.

This episode left us with many questions: Who is this Vegas guy? Is Vanessa going to expose Liam and the bar fire? Will Dixon walk again? Will Silver and Teddy become parents?

Have a prediction? Chime in!

Gossip Girl: The Search For Serena

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First let me say, I am in complete and total denial that this is the final season of "Gossip Girl." How am I supposed to carry on without my weekly dose of Chuck Bass?

Speaking of Chuck, the episode opens with a steamy love scene between him and Blair at the hotel in Monte Carlo. I am so happy they are back together! As the episode progresses we find out that Chuck and Blair have decided to stay together, but to tend to their personal business first. Sort of a "hurry up and wait" situation.

In the final scene of the episode, Chuck and Blair are in the back of the limo and we discover that Blair is wearing her Harry Winston engagement ring (yes, that ring!) around her neck on a chain, Carrie Bradshaw style. This makes me sad. I have a feeling Chuck and Blair are going to have a bumpy road. Again.

The whole gang winds up reunited when Lily reveals that Serena is missing and has been all summer. The crew finds her at a celebration in someone's backyard in Poughkeepsie. She is masquerading as "Sabrina," telling people she grew up in Madison, WI and went to Vassar. Despite her lying, she looked stunning in that white and canary yellow gown. I loved the sheer back and the lace detail on the sleeves and the neckline. Swoon.

Serena's new love interest, Stephen, is played by Matt Camden. I mean, Barry Watson! I read on one of the celebrity gossip sites that Watson has signed on for a multiple episode arc.

Dan, with Georgina in tow, returns from Italy to help look for Serena. During their ambush Dan confesses to Blair that he was dealing with losing her to Chuck, but now that he knows they aren't really together, he feels deflated again and sorry for her. Ouch. Unrelated, what is going on with Dan's hair? It's too voluminous.

At the end of the episode Dan returns home to the Brooklyn loft and walks in on Rufus and Ivy! Let me say that again - Rufus and Ivy. Ivy calls Lola to update her on their scheme and mentions how easy Rufus is to manipulate. What is her plan? How is she going to use Rufus to get back at Lily? I don't see the plot line yet.

Speaking of Lily, she and Bart spent the summer in the Hamptons and renewed their vows. They also apparently visited Eric in Africa. I love how they keep mentioning Eric as if he might some day return.

Lastly, Nate was about to out Gossip Girl in "The Spectator" when he traded his inside information for Serena's location. In the midst of all of this, Nate is being pursued by an eager beaver intern hopeful.

In the previews for next week we discover this intern girl is in high school! We also get a sneak peek of Chuck beginning to wage war on Bart. The previews also revealed that there are only 9 episodes left in the series. How can that be? Only 10 episodes in the whole final season? I feel robbed.

Dining Out: City Landing

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When I got the news that one of my favorite downtown restaurants, Sel de la Terre, was closing, I was devastated. I'd had so many great meals there, celebrated meaningful occasions and appreciated that it was a two minute walk from my office. When I read that the space was being taken over by a new restaurant, I was hesitant. After many positive reviews from friends I decided it was time to make peace with the closing of Sel de la Terre and make room for a new possibility. That new possibility is named City Landing.

The night I headed to City Landing I walked from my office across the Greenway. The beautiful water feature at State Street was dancing in the sunset and it was so beautiful I had to take a picture.

As you walk by the fountain you can see City Landing and its black awning peaking over the rock wall.

The sign for CIty Landing lights the sidewalk on Atlantic Ave and from the street you can see the cozy dining room inside.

On the Aquarium side City Landing has a small outdoor patio that is perfect for after work drinks and people watching.

City Landing's dining room has the same warmth I came to expect from Sel del la Terre. The most noticeable change is the celedon banquettes.

When the hostess seated us she handed each of us a menu. The cocktail menu had libations named after the neighborhood attractions: the Long Wharf Fizz, the Docksider and the Greenway.

Each table had a flickering candle and a single white flower blooming out of a tea pot shaped vase.

We each ordered a glass of wine and our waitress offered us either a six ounce or a nine ounce portion. Apparently six ounces in the standard pour, but City Landing offers their own version of "super sizing."

Our wines were delivered in glass beakers which reminded me of high school chemistry class. Throughout the meal our waitress kept returning and topping off our glasses.

We all arrived starving that night and ordered a round of appetizers. The first plate to arrive was the trio of spreads - white bean and roasted garlic, truffle herb goat cheese and artichoke tapenade. The spreads were served with warm pita bread and crispy pita chips. This is a great dish for sharing.

The ladies also ordered the mini lobster roll appetizer. Traditionally it comes with two rolls, but the girls requested three and our waitress said, "No problem. Three it is!"

The girls shared with me that the lobster rolls were perfect. Fresh lobster meat, lightly toasted buns and a sea of butter on the plate.

For dinner one of my friends ordered the baby lola salad which came topped with candied pecans, blue cheese and raspberry vinaigrette. She said she was underwhelmed.

Next to me a friend ordered the Caesar salad and opted to add salmon. The cut of fish was enormous and covered nearly the entire bowl. She said, "It was way too much fish. I just felt like I couldn't get past that part of the dish."

Two of us decided to order the same dishes, starting with the yellow tomato bisque. The presentation was gorgeous! It was almost too stunning to eat!

The bisque was delicious and had a similar consistency to butternut squash soup. A great choice on a cool fall evening.

We also ordered the toy box tomato salad. They had me at tempura asparagus. The salad came in a delicate arrangement that was so pretty everyone at the table stopped to photograph it.

As if we hadn't ordered enough food, we decided to order a side of mac and cheese. This mac and cheese was like an upscale version of the Velveeta. It was so rich, decadent, creamy and comforting.

The food at City Landing is thoughtful, artfully presented and delicious. Though the girls who ordered salads were disappointed, two of us were thrilled and left totally stuffed.

Though the food and decor were great, the servers at City Landing are over eager to the point of disruptive. Our waitress returned to our table so often that on most occasions I'd only take one or two bites since her last pop by. We also had two different managers come by to ask about our evening. They came off as disingenuous and cheesy. Next to us, a man was trying to dine alone in peace and our waitress continued to badger him with questions. She even went so far as to say, "Sir, I see you're dining alone, would you like some reading material?" How insulting!

If you find yourself in the Financial District or near the Aquarium definitely consider City Landing for lunch, dinner or drinks. Just be prepared to fend off your server.